On Episode 126 we try and focus on some of the good things that are happening around us! A special shout to Woodinville Car Club for helping over 20 people celebrate their birthdays while still staying quarantine safe! We also talk about inclinometers, discuss ways of hacking together multiples stops on Google Maps (because some jerk over there took away are ability to add more than 10 stops and we’re still mad about it), touch on some of the crazy financing deals we’ve seen, and explore some of the long term impacts to the automotive industry we are starting to see.
Here are some links to help you out from today’s episode!
MoreThan10.com - Because someone at Google Maps is a jerk.
Rallista - Because Blake Siebe and friends are not jerks and have an awesome app! (Android coming soon!)
A great story about the work done by Washington State Patrol Troopers, Marysville Police, Tulalip Tribal Police, Lake Stevens Police, Snohomish County Sheriff's deputies, Everett Police and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife officers all coming together to help celebrate a birthday!