Amanda, Ashley, and Kristen take over the mics for episode 48, which is not 49 like we mentioned in the podcast! The episode is mostly all about the women in the industry who are putting together a driver's group specifically for women enthusiasts that enjoy track time, group drives, and more than just standing next to their cars for attention. The group is officially organized and led by Amanda with Driver's Club so you know it's going to be good.
If you’re interested in donating to clothing drive we mentioned in this episode, email us at or fill out our contact form.
To get in touch with Amanda about the driver’s group or any other questions about Driver’s Club, email her at
For questions about Hagerty Classic (and some future classic) car insurance, email Ashley at
For membership questions or donations to LeMay, contact Kristen at and go to
And check out the GLOW Tuner’s Exhibit coming up at LeMay! -