Viewing entries tagged
Brian Elich

You Have to Pay to Play

You Have to Pay to Play

Racing is hard to do on its own, but after a while you will likely find the hardest part is where it hits your wallet.

The Monkeys Finally Invade McCall

The Monkeys Finally Invade McCall

After 2 years of planning and multiple hiccups, we finally took our capable Honda Monkeys to McCall, ID to ride parts of the IDBDR and beyond.

Episode 222 - A Deep Dive In This Crazy Car Market with Brian Elich


Episode 222 - A Deep Dive In This Crazy Car Market with Brian Elich

When we first recorded this episode we thought we had a pretty good idea of how the market was working, but after talking through it we realized we needed to bring in an expert. We reached out to our good friend of the show, Brian Elich, who gave us some great insights on buying a car in the current market, a different point of view on ADM, and some insight on the Tesla effect.


Episode 193 - The Backcountry Monkey Recap


Episode 193 - The Backcountry Monkey Recap

Well, we kinda did it. We did sectons 3 and 4 of the WABDR, which was all we were allowed to do thanks to massive shutdowns across the east side of the state due to fire danger, but we did it and lived to tell the tale! Branden Ben Powell and Brian Elich join us in the studio to tell the tale of the first annual Backcountry Monkey recap!


Episode 119 - Your Car Guy, Brian Elich


Episode 119 - Your Car Guy, Brian Elich

If you’re an Avants member, Camaro aficionado, or just a regular in the PNW car community you probably known Brian. He’s the friend we refer people to when they want a high performance Chevy. He’s also the guy you call when you want to go snow wheeling, have a great bonfire, or just good company. Brian does things a little a different in the car sales world - he makes a lot of real friends. Brian gives us some car buying tips and tells how he came from Motor City to the greater Seattle area.
