* POSTPONED * Due to the Governor’s recent announcement regarding events and the overall situation regarding COVID-19 , we have decided to postpone the “Learn How to Drive a Manual” event. We feel like this is the right thing to do to keep everyone safe (students, instructors, spectators, sponsors). But don’t worry…..we aren’t cancelling. We will most definitely have another event after this whole thing calms down. Until then….stay healthy!

Save the Manuals! Come out to Emerald Downs on March 21st and learn how to drive a manual!

We’re partnering with our friends at Auburn Volkswagen to help you learn the basics of rowing your own gears. No experience necessary! We’ll have plenty of cars and skilled instructors on hand. By the end of the day, you’ll be heel-toe’ing like a professional racecar driver. Well, maybe not quite, but you’ll definitely be well on your way!

We’ll also have a handful of right-hand drive imported vehicles for enthusiasts to experience what it’s like to shift gears with the other hand.

This event is open to Avants members, their significant others and kids (must have a valid drivers license). Great opportunity to learn in a relaxed environment (ie, not from your spouse!). This event is limited to 20 people. RSVP required. See below.

As an added bonus, all participants will receive a t-shirt and sticker from The Manual Gearbox Preservation Society, who are the guardians of a dying art and who believe that every corner is an opportunity for the perfect downshift, every stop a new starting line. #savethemanuals


Saturday, March 21st

Morning: Session: 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Afternoon: Session: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM


Emerald Downs

2300 Ron Crockett Dr, Auburn, WA 98001
